Thursday 20 January 2011

Kansas City Library

Library in Kansas City, designed with its outside looking like a shelf of great novels and classic books.  The Library is full of life inside, with many different book sections to the building, lots of story telling and events held within.  The Library also has its own mini theatre to host about 20 people.

Library Website:

Saturday 15 January 2011

The 'bears cave'

The “Bears Cave” is a stunning interior office design project that was recently completed by French architect Paul Coudamy on behalf of Bearstech, an internet hosting company located in Paris.  The goal of the office design was to create a headquarters that communicated a feeling of strength by reflecting Bearstech’s innovative and wild approach to virtual technology.
The office is organized into three spaces, a working space, leisure space, and a meeting space.  The back room provides a mineral atmosphere with Parisan rock and brick walls, a stark contrast to the chaotic cavern walls of the front meeting room which were created with wood cut-offs rescued from sidewalks, dumpsters, and wasteland, the structure of which was intended to translate “the chaotic mass power dynamited in an uncontrolled energy: a wood vortex our of a natural disaster“.
A low honeycomb cardboard bench along with a vibrantly colored yet low-key bar area separates the meeting room and the working spaces, effectively creating circulation between the three spaces.

bears cave office

bears cave office